Tell us what your business goals are and we will advise you how to achieve them. Along with the designed solutions, we will collect reliable data. Lets inquire together HOW and WHY in qualitative research and HOW MUCH and HOW OFTEN when looking into quantitative aspects of processes. We'll show you the way.
View all services we provide
What is the meaning of Vantage?
A point of view,
An advantage and a benefit.
Yes...we pull together

How we work
We view things from different angles and presepectives. We will also peep-in where you have not looked before.

Why work with us
Together, we look for answers that will get you closer to your goals
At Vantage, we strive to be a useful partner to our clients in achieving their strategic objective. We not only advise them on the optimal way of colleting the data needed for the upcomgin business decisions, in particular, we offer a comprehensive interpretation of the research findings and shaping of an action plan.

Satisfied client referrals
We genuinely know these things
inside out and we can do them very well

Reliable source data
We choose the most efficient method, determine the suitable sample and deliver meaningful results.

Whether it's about exploring the patient journey or gaining better understanding of physicians' decision-making, we'll help you to navigate through.

Qualitative research
We will inquire HOW and WHY using trusted professional methodology such as Focus Group Discusions, In-Depth-Interviews, or Bulletin Boards.

Quantitative research
We will inquire HOW MUCH/MANY and HOW OFTEN applying diverse interviewing methods inlcuding face-to face (PAPI, TAPI), telephonic (CATI) as well as online interviewing (CAWI).
The benefits
of our cooperation
We are genuinely pleased when you are doing well. And we want to be there ... but also behind it.
Professional approach
The right solutions

Drop us a message
Make sure to get in touch with us should you have any questions or inquiries.
We will be happy to reply.
Contact details
Registered seat:
Vantage s.r.o.
Bárdošova 2/A, 831 01 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
+421 903 780 111
Billing information:
Vantage s.r.o.
Bárdošova 2/A, 831 01 Bratislava
Company identification no.: 51675544
VAT identificaiton no.: SK2120755142