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Mgr. Sandra Mažárová, MA

Partner and Managing Director

The founder and CEO of Vantage s.r.o. - a market research agency with a specific focus on the health sector. Sandra possesses market research experience with all types of qualitative and quantitative survey methods that she acquired during her tenure with GfK Slovakia - a major market research provider. She started working in GfK in 2014 as a Healthcare Consultant and in 2016 she became the Sector Leader in Healthcare Division. Sandra has conducted studies not only in Slovakia, but also in other CEE countries, Israel as well as Switzerland.

During her previous tenure in Eli Lilly, the major pharma company, she worked as a Brand Manager and she not only sharpened her marketing skills and knowledge in relevant therapeutic areas, but also acquired a detailed insight into operation and functioning of the healthcare system in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Over the years, Sandra was involved in the therapeutic areas of cardiology and psychiatry.

She graduated in Political Science at the University of Vienna in 2005 and additionally received Master of Arts degree for the study of nationalism at the Central European University in Budapest.

Personal experience with working as a Brand Manager in the pharmaceutical industry as well as experience with market research for top pharmaceutical companies using all qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Vladimíra Renčková

Partner and Chief Research Officer

Vladka has been fully involved in market research since 2016 when she started to work as a consultant in GfK Slovakia, the research agency. She participated not only in a large number of Health Division projects but also in surveys for FMCG and Media clients.

In her five-year tenure in AVON, the leading cosmetics company, Vladka was in charge of marketing analyses, event management and advertising. She also conducted analyses for HB Reavis, the leading CEE real estate development company, where she prepared financial reports on business centers and shopping malls.

Vladka studied sociology at Comenius University in Bratislava.

A comprehensive methodological perspective of a sociologist and experience with market research across several industries and sectors.

Mgr. Silvia Marcelliová

Qualitative Market Research Consultant

Silvia has been fully committed to qualitative market research for 18 years already. She offers our clients suitable methodology, designs discussion guides, conducts and evaluates group discussions, individual in-depth-interviews as well as advisory boards. For most of her professional life, she worked for GfK Slovakia, where she covered qualitative research across all industries - health, telecom, banking, FMCG and media. She also cooperated with other market research agencies - FOCUS, Kantar TNS and Millward Brown in particular.

So far, she has conducted more than 80 studies in healthcare covering a wide range of therapeutic areas. Silvia's strength lies in gaining quick and easy orientation in any topic and the ability to distill and capture the essential (business) insights for the client from the extensive volume of information provided by the respondents.

After graduating in psychology at Comenius University, Silvia worked at Salvus, a private healthcare facility.

More than 80 qualitative surveys and studies conducted in the area of health sector; good sense and understanding of the specifics of the pharmaceutical industry.

PharmDr. Eva Vlčková, CSc.

Senior Market Research and Marketing Consultant

Before Vantage, Eva worked as an external consultant for GfK Slovakia, a leading market research agency. Between 2010 and 2016, she was the Head of the GfK's Health Division in the Slovak and Czech Republics. More than 500 surveys were conducted over that period in the healthcare sector only, and the Health Division thrived profoundly both professionally and in terms of business volume.

It comes as no surprise, as Eva took full advantage of her qualification in pharmacology, her 10-year scientific career at the Slovak Academy of Sciences as well as 18 years of working in top management positions in 3 multinational pharmaceutical companies (Novartis, Pfizer, and Sanofi). In charge of Sales and Marketing, Eva successfully led her teams at national and international level, and naturally also advanced to address the tasks of strategic planning and business development.

Knowledge in medicine combined with 18 years of experience in sales and marketing in the pharmaceutical industry - the perfect background for providing market research services to leading pharmaceutical companies.